Are you tired all the time?

There are many causes of being tired. Most of the time there are some simple things that you are or are not doing that can be contributing to tirdness. There are also some other medical things that might need checking if simple changes haven’t worked.The biggest...

Why stretch? What are the basic rules?

WHY STRETCH?Without regular stretching muscles tend to lose flexibility, so when they are called upon to perform a certain movement it can result to damage to the muscular tissue. Certain sports, work related activities ort even activities that you may do around the...

Squats! The KING of exercises

Squats! The KING of exercises. Benefits and how to do them right! SQUATS!! We all know movement and exercise helps to keeps us fit and healthy and keep pain and injury at bay. When done correctly simple squats are a great exercise for most people, but if done...