
Looking for an Osteopath in Brisbane? See us at Move Osteopathy

If you are looking for an Osteopath in Brisbane, Move Osteopathy offers the largest group of Osteopaths across three clinics in Brisbane. We believe we have the best Osteopaths in Brisbane dedicated to helping you move and feel better.

What is an Osteopath?

Osteopathy focus on your musculoskeletal system, meaning the the bones, muscles, nerves and the other tissues that support your body and control your movements. Osteopaths will also assess, examine and diagnose your body and use ‘hands on’ treatments for your problems. They help to find and release structures and tissues that cause pain or restricted movement in your body.

What does a treatment involve?

In an appointment an Osteopath will take your medical history and examine your body and posture and also most importantly tailor a specific treatment and management for you and your problems. Osteopaths use a range of different techniques including mobilisation and manipulation of muscles and joints. A treatment with an Osteopath can including stretching, massage and release techniques to treat your muscles, tendons and ligaments. An Osteopath will help you manage your problem long term with stretches as well as exercise and lifestyle advice.

When to see an Osteopath?

You can see an Osteopath when you experience problems like neck or back pain, sciatica, postural issues, sports injuries, headaches and tendon problems. Osteopaths also often treat hip, knee and ankle pain, shoulder, elbow and wrist pain, scoliosis and arthritis. Osteopaths are experienced with dealing with long term (chronic) and short term (acute) pain.

What kind of training do they have?

In Australia, Osteopathy is a 5 year, full time university course and is considered an allied health care professional. Osteopaths are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Osteopaths are trained to examine and treat many of the common conditions that cause aches and pains, while also being trained to recognise conditions that require referral. At Move we are involved in ongoing education and training and are also proudly members of Osteopathy Australia

What do I bring to an appointment?

Bring along any reports, scans as well as any test results that you have. Depending on the area your osteopath may ask you to undress to your underwear. It is important that you feel comfortable, so you may want to bring or wear stretchy comfortable clothes. You can also read more here about your initial appointment

What will treatment feel like?

Massage, stretching, repetitive movements, mobilisation and/or manipulation are often part of Osteopathic treatment. If your injuries require hands-on treatment of painful and sore areas, your osteopath will be careful to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Communication with your Osteopath about pain you may feel will help you work together with what you find comfortable.

Mild soreness for a day or two after treatment, similar to that felt after mild exercise is possible. If this soreness persists or increases, call your osteopath to discuss your concerns.

Do I need a referral?

No, you can make an appointment directly without a referral. Under certain schemes you may need a referral.

If you have been diagnosed with a chronic health condition and require complex care, you may be eligible for Chronic Disease Management (CDM) assistance. The GP must complete a special referral form (PDF, 201kb) to refer you to an osteopath for treatment.

What can I claim?

You may be able to claim for treatment. Requirements and rebates vary so you must discuss with your GP, case manager, or osteopath.

  • Private Heath Insurance: Rebates for Osteopathy are available from most private health insurers
  • Medicare: You can receive a Medicare rebate for an osteopathic service if you are a patient in the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) program.
  • Work cover Schemes: Osteopaths are eligible to provide workplace injury management services in each Australian state and territory
  • Veterans Affairs: To access DVA services, you need a referral from a GP, specialist, treating hospital doctor, a hospital discharge planner, or an osteopath with a current referral
  • Motor Vehicle Accident Schemes: Each state and territory in Australia has a scheme for people injured in a motor vehicle under Compulsory Third Party arrangements.

Other techniques an Osteopath may use.

Some Osteopaths have done extra training and may also be trained in the following:


Dry needling is a procedure that uses very fine needles inserted into your skin and muscles. It is not a medical injection or Acupuncture. It is is a technique that many osteopaths and physiotherapists use in combination with treatment to release tight and restricted muscles. Dry needling can be a useful technique for muscular pain and tension.


Good health and wellbeing starts with a healthy diet and good nutrition. There are times when extra supplements can be useful. The vitamins and supplements we use are ‘practitioner only’ products. These products are used for specific conditions where there is evidence to support their use. Products we recommend are designed to assist when the body is deficient or overwhelmed by certain conditions.  

We recommend products that have combinations of nutrients and have been scientifically tested for the following effects:

  • anti inflammatory.
  • muscle relaxants.
  • cartilage supports.
  • bone supports.
  • collagen supports.
  • improve digestive function.
  • improve immunity.


There are many different types of tape. For example ‘Rock tape’ or ‘Dynamic tape’. Most tapes have properties that allow them to stretch and absorb load to reduce the strain and work on your muscles and tendons. Some stretch in one direction and others move in many directions.


SCENAR is a form of electrotherapy. Many people have heard of TENS and ultrasound which are also types of electrotherapy but work in different ways. All of them use electrical signals via the skin that can effect the brain and nervous system in the way it deals with pain and other complaints. As a result electrotherapy may be useful for assisting the healing process of many conditions.

If you are looking for an Osteopath at Move Osteopathy Brisbane that may have undertaken extra studies and uses any of these extra techniques please enquire with our reception team.

Want to see an Osteopath?

If you looking for an Osteopath in Brisbane contact us at Move Osteopathy today for an appointment with an Osteopath at one of our clinics in Brisbane City, James Street New Farm or Alexandra Hills.