Running Analysis Brisbane
We know running is a popular method of exercise with record numbers participating in events. Running keeps us fit and healthy as well as reducing our risk of death by 30%. Unfortunately though estimates of lower extremity running injuries are high between 19 -78%. One of the most common is knee pain with estimates between 7-50% injuries.
Common injuries associated with running include:
- Shin Splints or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)
- Patellofemoral pain (PFP) and also Patellar tendinopathy
- Achilles Tendon issues
- Plantar Fasiciopathy
- Stress Fractures of the Tibia or Metatarsal. (Foot)
- ITB Syndrome
Running injuries can be split into two types acute injuries as well as overuse injuries. Typically running injuries are overuse injures as the body cannot adapt to the demands we place on it. This is often associated with training errors causing a sudden increase in stress placed on the bodies tissues.
Running Analysis & Retraining
Here at Move we want to get you back on track. If you are currently running we also want to keep you running. If you are injured we want to help you return as safely as possible.
Our running assessment will compromise of:
- Tailored running history
- Treadmill assessment
- Education as well as management.
Our running assessment will comprise a thorough history tailored to your running. Information such as running history, your past and also current training loads (distance, intensity and types of sessions), footwear and we will discuss other possible reasons your tissues are unable to tolerate your training such as rest, sleep and also stress.
Treadmill assessment will then be utilised to assess your running form and help us understand why specific tissue may be under more load. Modifications may be need to help you reduce you injury risk as well as help you improve your running form.
Educating you about your condition as well as how to best manage it is the corner stone of our consultations. A management plan will be made using all the information we have gathered to help reduce your pain levels and continue or return to running in a safe manner. This may included exercises, training plan modifications, return-to-run programs and also guidance on footwear.
Appointments for running Analysis & Retraining
Our Senior Osteopath Dr Jed Pullen has a special interest in running assessment, performance and management of running related injuries and complaints.
If you would like to see Jed, he is available Monday – Friday at our Brisbane City Clinic. You can book directly with Jed here. Or contact him via email for further details