Rotator Cuff Injuries

Have you ever experienced shoulder pain before? If the answer is yes then you are certainly not alone. Musculoskeletal related shoulder injuries and rotator cuff injuries are extremely common injuries, with approximately 50% of the population experiencing at least one...

Fit Feb

Fit Feb Welcome to 2023! January has nearly passed already. Now is the time to start your fitness journey for the year. Is there an event you want to participate in, a new challenge, or just starting back at the gym? It is time to start planning how you approach your...

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid Many of us renew our CPR every year and first aid every three years.  It has become a part of our work requirements to keep up to date with this valuable skill set.  Thankfully we may not need to use the knowledge provided very...

Spinal manipulation

Spinal manipulation endorsed as ‘best practice’ for back pain. 3rd leading disease burden in Australia with an estimated cost of over $9 Billion per year. The majority of sufferers will consult their GP seeking care in the first instance with half being prescribed...


Common injuries as a result of training 1. Back pain from spinal joint sprains and strains There are hundreds of joints extending from your neck to tailbone and rib cage. Movements during training that overstretch or overload joints can cause joint sprains and...