Resistance Training

The importance of Resistance Training: By Osteopath Dr Shehan Running and walking are popular forms of exercise that we all use to help us improve our overall health and well-being! A form of exercise that is just as important, is resistance training. It comes in many...

Keeping that New Year commitment

Keeping that New Year commitment to looking after yourself The most beneficial thing you can do for yourself is engage in a daily movement routine. I say movement, because sometimes ‘exercise routine’ can conjure up thoughts of needing to...


Common injuries as a result of training 1. Back pain from spinal joint sprains and strains There are hundreds of joints extending from your neck to tailbone and rib cage. Movements during training that overstretch or overload joints can cause joint sprains and...

Squats! The KING of exercises

Squats! The KING of exercises. Benefits and how to do them right! SQUATS!! We all know movement and exercise helps to keeps us fit and healthy and keep pain and injury at bay. When done correctly simple squats are a great exercise for most people, but if done...

Giulian’s work in Italy

It is interesting for and osteopath to be involved, as we generally do not see this level of acute trauma in our clinics however; the diagnostic process is the same. There are 12 orthopaedic surgeons on rotation who primarily operate from hospitals in Milan and Turin,...