Common injuries as a result of training 1. Back pain from spinal joint sprains and strains There are hundreds of joints extending from your neck to tailbone and rib cage. Movements during training that overstretch or overload joints can cause joint sprains and...

Giulian’s work in Italy

It is interesting for and osteopath to be involved, as we generally do not see this level of acute trauma in our clinics however; the diagnostic process is the same. There are 12 orthopaedic surgeons on rotation who primarily operate from hospitals in Milan and Turin,...

Sports Injuries

Pain around the knee cap (Patellofemoral Joint Syndrome (PFJS) – Dr Jed Pullen – Associate Osteopath @ MOVE Osteopathy In my experience the main cause of patella femoral joint syndrome is due to muscles that have become very tight combComments 0ined with a lack...