Improve your scapula stability (part 2)

This is the second half of the improve you scapular mobility two part series. Improve your scapula stability (part 2) continues to address more scapular training methods to strengthen and support your scapulae on your back. Undertake these exercises to help prevent injury to your shoulders and upper back and make you feel more comfortable enduring those long days at the computer.

Numerous studies have now demonstrated the importance of the scapular musculature in positioning the GH joint and rotator cuff for maximum function and stability. Studies have estimated that these muscles stabilising the scapulae are also responsible for GH stability throughout 90% of shoulder ROM

Weakness of the scapula stabilisers and resulting altered biomechanics could result in:
1.abnormal stress to anterior shoulder capsular structures
2.Increased rotator cuff compression
3.Decreased shoulder complex neuromuscular performance

It has also been estimated that shoulder strength is increased by up to 24% with improved scapular stabilisation. It is therefore important to evaluate and rehabilitate scapula biomechanics in those presenting with shoulder pain. These include issues concerning scapula strength, muscular tightness or scapular dyskinesis (abnormal scapular motion during shoulder movement)

Here are 4 exercises that may help improve your scapula stability. Remember to consult a health care professional before commencing these exercises

  • Banded wall walks
  • Robbery
  • Banded row 
  • Blackburns

You should always consult an Osteopath or Physiotherapist to properly asses and diagnose your injury. Not all exercises are suitable for all people. Remember to consult a healthcare professional before commencing any of these exercises