Roxana Nae

Roxana Nae

Roxana Nae

Remedial Massage therapist

Roxana Nae

Roxana Nae – Remedial Massage Therapist

My journey into the world of fitness and wellness began with a deep-rooted love for fitness found at the age of 26 when diagnosed with IBS.

I started my fitness journey with boxing, which fueled my fascination with the human body’s ability to recover and regenerate. This intrigue naturally led me to pursue a career that revolved around physical health and enhancing the body’s natural healing process.

Education and experience

After completing my Sports and Recreation Diploma, I started my fitness career as a Personal Trainer and Boxing Coach and expanded my knowledge and skills by obtaining certifications in Remedial Massage Therapy.

By merging my expertise in fitness and massage therapy, I can understand and address the underlying causes of my clients’ musculoskeletal issues more comprehensively.

My approach to health and fitness

My clients appreciate my empathetic and compassionate nature, as I take the time to truly understand their unique concerns and goals. Whether it’s a professional athlete looking to enhance performance or an individual recovering from an injury, I tailor my treatments to meet their specific needs.

My background in fitness enables me to devise personalised exercise programs and offer expert advice on lifestyle modifications that can supplement my remedial massage therapies, ensuring long-term benefits for my clients.

I practice what I preach

 I understand the importance of maintaining a healthy body and mind and consistently engage in physical activities and exercises regularly. By practicing what I preach, I lead by example and demonstrate the importance of fitness to my clients.

I regularly receive massages to alleviate any muscle tension, reduce stress, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. By doing so, I ensure that I am taking care of myself, both physically and mentally, which allows me to provide high-quality massages to my clients.

How I treat

I utilise a diverse range of massage techniques, including deep tissue, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, dry needling and cupping, among others. With a keen eye for detail, I identify tight muscles, adhesions, and imbalances within the body, employing targeted techniques to release tension, restore range of motion, and promote deep relaxation.

I often incorporate passive stretching and active release techniques in my treatment.

My Core Values

In my commitment to continuous growth, I am actively keeping abreast of the latest research and attending professional development workshops to refine my skills and expand my repertoire of therapeutic techniques. This dedication to ongoing learning ensures that my clients receive up-to-date, evidence-based treatments that can facilitate their recovery, prevent future injuries, and enhance their overall well-being

Beyond my professional expertise, I possess the ability to connect with my clients and create an environment of trust and comfort.

I believe that a strong therapist-client relationship plays a crucial role in achieving optimum results, always emphasizing effective communication and active collaboration throughout the treatment process.

With an comprehensive knowledge, genuine care, and unwavering commitment to excellence, I remain dedicated to helping my clients reach their health and wellness goals, one massage session at a time.