Namiko Tanaka

Namiko Tanaka

Remedial Massage therapist

Namiko Tanaka

In addition to being a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist, Namiko is currently training at a fitness school to be a personal trainer in Brisbane in order to help advise clients about exercise and aftercare as a sports therapist.

Namiko has experience and interest in massage for runners, basketball players, rugby players, field hockey players

Namiko likes to use a variety of techniques including Myofascial Release , Dry Needling, Cupping,Trigger Point Therapy, Stretch Massage, and Lymphatic drainage depending on the request and requirements of the client.

Namiko believes that my massage is good effective for recovery, injury prevention, and increase of range of motion

Namiko is based at our James Street Clinic Working Wednesdays, Thursdays Fridays saturdays, will be private health claimable.